Archive for the ‘Tenant Credit Checks’ Category

Credit Checks For Only $10/Check – With Membership You Can Make Money!

Sunday, August 13th, 2023

With a one time registration fee (only to cover our costs) you get access to credit checks for as low as $10 with the leading background screening companies in Canada.

We have kept this price since 2009 to help landlords pay the lowest price for the best services to help you succeed!

With so many “for profit” start ups charging up to $29.99/check you save $20/check.

so after only 5 credit checks with us you are making money thanks to our huge savings for you.

Many of our members have conducted hundreds of credit checks and the huge savings is like “making money”.

Even making thousands of dollars or more!

With such low costs you can run multiple checks to find the best applicants for your rental property!

It’s important landlords run your own checks to avoid getting fake ones with fake scores. And only from the best companies.

And At Fair Prices

Join Our Community Association And Run Credit Checks For Only $10/Check

It’s a Deal That Can’t Be Beat!  All For A One Time Fee! 

Become A Professional Landlord And You Can Succeed.

So many experienced and successful landlords are part of our community. And we have so many small landlords who are “in the trenches” and working hard to succeed and creating great rental homes, with great service, and renting to their 5 star clients/tenants.

Yes, you can succeed! Learn from long term landlord successful experts and use the best credit check companies in Canada at very lost costs!

Did Your Tenants Pay May 1st Rent?

Friday, May 1st, 2020

Create your own user feedback survey

It’s Important To Pay Your Rent To Your Small Landlord

Saturday, April 18th, 2020

My name is Laura and I post under my name on the Nova Scotia Landlords Forum. I’ve been active there for years to try to help other tenants and give some of my advice to help small landlords too.

These are crazy times for everyone.

And while tenants are suffering it’s also important to know your landlord might be suffering too. This pandemic is hurting everyone.

We Need To Stick Together

I used to own a house and we rented our basement out years ago and it really helped us cover our mortgage. When my husband died my children were grown so I decided to sell the house and rent.

Renting has a lot of advantages.

I don’t have to worry about any maintenance issues and my landlady has a service to cut the lawn and plow the snow.  My landlord cover my utilities so she can get just one payment each month to keep things uncomplicated.

My landlady is a teacher and her husband has his own contracting company and they are terrific.

“Are You Going To Pay The Rent?”

When all this chaos started in March and the government said “tenants don’t have to pay rent” my landlady called me and asked me if I was going to pay the rent.

I told her “of course I will”. She was thankful and said if I needed a break just call her.

My Landlady Is Professional and Kind, And I Make Paying Rent A Priority

I’m in a pretty good situation where I don’t need to worry about buying food and my children are adults now.  I know others might not be as safe as I am.

I’m going to pay the rent not only because it’s the right thing to do, but because I want to keep my excellent relationship with my landlady and know that if I don’t pay rent it could hurt her financially (and even lead to her selling this place).

Pay You Rent And If You Can’t Call Your Landlord

My landlady isn’t some big global corporation. She and her family invested and thanks to them I have a great place to stay at a great price.

Rent Strike Hits Small Landlords, Not The Corporate Landlords

-Not paying rent will just get rid of the small nice landlords who care about you.

-Not paying rent will not impact the big heartless corporations.

-The whole “rent strike” people are likely corporate landlords who want to get rid of small landlords who are their competition.  At least that’s what I think.

Stay Home and Stay Safe!

I’m so happy to have a great rental with a great landlady. I feel safe and don’t ever want to move.

With Love And Wishing Everyone Stays Safe,



Nova Scotia & PEI Tenant Screening: Tenant Credit Checks

Wednesday, September 16th, 2015

Nova Scotia Tenant Screening Tenant Credit Checks and Tenant Criminal Checks

Landlords in our region are facing lots of challenges these days.

And while we want to discuss issues such as low rent increases the media continues to attack landlords.

After all, we are easy targets and easy for the media to define.

Another Landlord Is Trouble

According to a report on CBC News, landlord Lee Cowan of O’Leary says her rental unit has been trashed.

The landlady say when her tenants not only trashed her nice 3-bedroom property they moved out without proper notice….they didn’t even tell her!

What Damages Did The Tenants Do?

 A lot.

The landlady said the damages included:

– Appliances destroyed

– Basement was flooded and now smells horrible and has damaged the enter unit

– Cabinets have been ruined

– Drywall has been destroyed all over

Landlords and Facebook

Cowan has posted her story on Facebook and received a lot of positive replies.

Positive Replies and Support Are Not Enough

“I have gotten thousands of responses,” she said.

“To say thank you to these people is not a big enough word. I can’t think of a big enough word to say how many people have said, ‘We care.

We don’t know you but we care.’ They’re offering me all this support. 

They’re kind, caring people. Maybe they’ll help change the system a bit, so this doesn’t happen to somebody else.”

But no financial support and no answers!

Tenant Screening

These types of terrible stories are becoming more and more common in our region.

We used to think “Oh, those bad tenants are only in Ontario or Quebec.”

Sadly that isn’t true now

As this story shows, landlords need to be careful who you rent to.

If you rent to the wrong tenants you could be out thousands of dollars.

You could be ruined financially?

What Can A Landlord Do To Avoid Bad Tenants?

Smart landlords will do proper tenant screening.

Cowan simply took the money and rented to these ‘tenants from hell.’

Being a landlord in 2013 requires more than just accepting month.

You need to do proper tenant screening, including credit checks.


Don’t be a landlord victim! Always do tenant credit checks and make sure you are renting to good tenants.