Calgary landlords: “We Are Fed Up With Bad Tenants!”

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Calgary landlords: “We Are Fed Up With Bad Tenants!”

#1 Unread post by Albertalandlord » June 10th, 2012, 8:08 pm


June 7th, 2012

What’s going on these days with Calgary landlords?

Landlords in Calgary say they are absolutely fed up with a landlord and tenant system they believe is biased for tenants and against landlords. In Alberta we have a dispute resolution system to deal with landlord and tenant matters.

So what’s the problem?

It’s obvious to landlords in Calgary and all over Alberta this dispute resolution system simply isn’t fair and is actually stacked against landlords and in favour of tenants, even bad tenants!

I thought Albert was landlord-friendly?

Think again. One Calgary landlord feels she’s been totally cheated by the system in Alberta. A judge in Calgary even agrees with her!

Please go on…

Landlord Gita Gopal is owed money by tenants and now has to collect it. It’s clear it won’t be easy.

According to Gopal, her tenants were a single mom with four children. Gopal wanted to be a ‘good’ landlord and showed true compassion to these tenants.

Uh oh, I think I can guess what happened

Her compassion for her tenants led to Gopal being owed over $8,000 dollars in lost rent and property damages!

Yikes. Alberta looks to becoming another Ontario

The Calgary Residential Rental Association’s Gerry Baxter believes Alberta landlords are simply too ‘trusting’ and some tenants can take advantage of this trust.

Baxter stays there are many tenants out there who are sophisticated, know the law, and know how to delay an eviction.

What does the Alberta government have to say about this?

The government minister in charge of landlord and tenant matters is name Manmeet Bhullar. Bhullar has stated he thinks the system “works” but needs to be watched.

Bhullar believes in the foundation of the system. He also wants to make it work better.

How does that help landlord Gita Gopal?

She says she is working hard to collect the money she is owed. Gopal is so upset she is even thinking of setting up a website to help other Calgary landlords.

What are some of the problems Alberta landlords have with the system?

Landlords are upset with many aspects of the current system. For example, evicted tenants have 30 days to take their belongings which may have been left behind in their former rental home.

The landlord is responsible for not only moving it, but storing it. This causes a delay and distraction for the landlord who wants to re-rent the place as soon as possible!

Compared to Ontario, this still seems kind of tame

Maybe. Except the direction the government has set is not a good one for landlords in Alberta. If this keeps up, good landlords will leave the business. This means less units on the market, higher rents, and less good landlords. It’s a path that is also going on in British Columbia.

Landlords are putting their money, their time, and taking a risk to create high quality housing. It’s time for the government to appreciate small business landlords instead of creating a system which abuses them! ... d-tenants/


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