Experienced Ontario Landlords Know Safe Rentals Are Our Priority!
Winter is already on the way. For over a decade our landlord community association has educated small working class mom and pop landlords on the importance of Fire Safety!
Many small landlords had no idea they were required to make their rentals “fire safe” until we started sharing this vital information over a decade ago.
Sadly there are still landlords who aren’t following the laws in 2022.
Rule #1 – Make sure you contact your local fire department and work together to make your rentals “fire-safe.” All properties are unique so get your local fire dept. to help you make your rentals safe.
Here is how to start according to the Ontario Association of Fire Chiefs in 2022:
Most fire departments in Ontario provide homeowners with free fire safety inspections to go over which Fire Code Regulations and local by-laws affect your property. You can schedule an appointment and they conduct a walk-through assessment with you to go over the requirements.
For some safety tips and requirements of smoke alarms, please visit: https://www.oafc.on.ca/smoke-alarms
For some safety tips and requirements of carbon monoxide alarms, please visit: https://www.oafc.on.ca/carbon-monoxide.
Downloadable brochures can be found on our website here (and on the left-hand column): https://www.oafc.on.ca/public-safety
Your local fire department would also have brochures and pamphlets (likely in multiple languages) to provide to you and your tenants..
Let’s Make Our Rentals Fire Safe!
Safe rentals are a great way to let all the good tenants out there know you are a responsible and professional landlord who takes being a landlord seriously. Successful landlords know good tenants want to rent from responsible landlords who rent out safe and well maintained rental housing units. Remember: Contact your local Fire Department for details for your specific rental property!
The Ontario Landlords Association is a community association that has launched Fire Safety Campaigns for over a decade to make sure residential landlords across the province are aware of their responsibilities for owning rental properties and protecting our tenants.
Read more at:
https://ontariolandlords.org/blog/ontar ... -campaign/