LANDLORD ALERT! RTA amendments take effect today: New and revised Rules, guidelines and brochures

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LANDLORD ALERT! RTA amendments take effect today: New and revised Rules, guidelines and brochures

#1 Unread post by Canadalandlords » September 4th, 2021, 11:10 am


The Ontario Landlords Association has been lobbying hard for years and helping make positive changes to the laws to protect Small Landlords.

We stopped many anti-landlord laws before and now are working relentlessly to create a fair system.

Join us, make your voice heard, and help make even more positive changes to help good landlords and good tenants succeed in win-win business relationships.

September 1, 2021

TO: Ontario Landlord Association Members

FROM: Karen Restoule, Associate Chair, Lynn Dicaire, Registrar

RE: RTA amendments take effect today

We are writing to remind your Ontario Landlords Association Members that amendments to the Residential Tenancies Act, 2006 (RTA) resulting from Bill 184, take effect today. We have summarized the changes in September 1, 2021 Amendments to the Residential Tenancies Act.

In response to these amendments, the LTB has posted new and revised Rules, guidelines and forms to our website at

New materials:

Form L10: Application to Collect Money a Former Tenant Owes and Instructions
Certificate of Service: Serving a Former Tenant or a Tenant no Longer in Possession of the Rental Unit
Request to Use Alternative Service Form
Brochure: Collecting Money a Former Tenant Owes
Brochure: How to Serve a Landlord or Tenant with Documents
Revised materials:

Rules 3, 4, and 5
Guideline 11: Eviction for Failure to Pay Rent
Guideline 12: Eviction for Personal Use, Demolition, Repairs and Conversion
Form T5: Landlord Gave a Notice of Termination in Bad Faith and Instructions
Form L2: Application to End a Tenancy and Evict a Tenant and Instructions.
** The revised L2: Application will only be available in fillable PDF format until the launch of the new Tribunals Ontario Portal later this fall. Please do not use LTB e-File to file based on an N12 or N13 notice or when claiming costs relating to substantial interference or utilities. In these cases, you must use the PDF form and submit it by fax, mail or courier.

The LTB consulted on these materials and processes from January 19 to February 5, 2021.

Among the changes the LTB made as a result of the consultations, the LTB has added email as an approved method for landlords to serve former tenants and introduced a Request to use Alternative Service Method. For more information about email service and alternative service, see the Certificate of Service – Serving a Former Tenant or Tenant No Longer in Possession of the Rental Unit and the Brochure: Collecting Money a Former Tenant Owes.

Users will be able to file the new and revised forms on the Tribunals Ontario Portal when it launches later this fall.


Karen Restoule Lynn Dicaire

Associate Chair Registrar ... brochures/


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