The Only Way Landlords Can Evict You Is With An Order From the Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB). Now The LTB Is Closed So Landlords are 100% Powerless! You Don't Need To Pay Rent For Months!
The Wuhan Virus started by some strange reason.
Some people say it started by some Chinese people eating live bats for dinner along with other live animals and creating a contamination that spread. Others say it is a bio-weapon started by Trump and the United States government to create trouble for China and all working people in the world.
However it started, it is real and causing a global pandemic and people are dying.
And Tenants are vulnerable and need to do what it takes for us to survive!
Halt Of Evictions
This has led for some to call for a halt of evictions.
For example, the amazing Kristin Wong-Tam is saying the government should give all tenants an 'eviction break' because we are can't work and can't make money to pay the greedy landlords their pound of our flesh.
Housing is a human right and all people should get free housing, so in these dangerous times landlords should eat the costs (and just dig into their deep pockets) and be unable to collect rent or evict tenants all over Ontario. Evictions need to be stopped!
The Problem With Government "Solutions"
We love amazing leaders such as Wong-Tam but often their hands are tied.
The biggest problem is any government solutions are very slow to make an impact while Tenants need fast action and fast solutions!
Also as we can with some other tenant groups that get gov't funding, they are understandably afraid to tell the real raw truth.
Why? Because they risk losing funding with such a fascist, pro-landlord government like we are stuck with until we kick them out in two years.

Real Life Tenant Survival Strategies
Because of how fast as easy this virus spreads, the pro-landlord anti-tenant Ford PC government has shut down all the social tribunals in the province. This includes the LTB.
The Landlord And Tenant Board (LTB) is Closed
The only way an Ontario landlord can legally evict you is with an order from the Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB)....But the LTB IS CLOSED!

"Apply with us to kick out your vulnerable tenant so you can raise rents. We are on landlords side."
BUT NOW................

Landlords who want to use the eviction machine to kick out vulnerable tenants will get a big surprise! LTB IS CLOSED!!!
Landlords Looking To Evict Will Find They Can't Do It!
Usually landlords just get their high paid, expensive legal representatives to file the paperwork.
Then the high paid reps take it to the LTB and use the landlord-friendly system to kick tenants out (along with mocking them and humiliating them for being just 'renters' while they are 'lords'.)

Landlords Are Stuck! Their Cries For Help Go Unheard!
There is nothing they can do! They are stuck...they are trapped! They have no mechanism to evict Tenants!
And this is a good thing.
This means that smart tenants will now stop paying rent and use that money to buy food and medicine to protect ourselves and our families!
Already landlords are using their huge reserves of our rent money to buy all the toilet paper and other key products to make sure they live...while leaving Tenants to die!
Tenants Cannot Be Evicted As the LTB Is Closed
Only idiots will pay rent on April 1st or May 1st. Use this money to protect yourself.
Ignore any landlord paperwork sent to you (N4, N5, etc.) as it's a BLUFF and MEANINGLESS!
Landlords must file with the LTB...which now doesn't exist and won't for at least two months and maybe many many more.
Protect You And Your Family By Not Paying Rent...you don't have to as the LTB is closed
Tenants are the must vulnerable people. We must do whatever it takes to SURVIVE.
You do not need to rent for at least 2 months...spend that money on buying food, toilet paper, water, etc.
This Could Go On for 6 Months Or Even A Year Or More
Keep informed because now you do NOT HAVE TO PAY RENT.
Protect you and your family and make sure you survive!
I'm just stating the FACTS! This blog was promised to us to be 'our blog' with no censorship. So come back and read here regularly!