“There Are Lots of Good Renters Out There, But You Need To Screen Carefully These Days!”

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“There Are Lots of Good Renters Out There, But You Need To Screen Carefully These Days!”

#1 Unread post by BCLA » November 26th, 2017, 8:45 pm

Landlords Need To Make Tenant Screening a Priority To Find Good Tenants and Avoid the “Pros” Out There


I keep hearing about how bad things are for renters these days. Sure, it’s never been easy as a renter. I rented for years and know this from first hand experience. During my student days in the early 90’s rent was already high considering what students could save during summer jobs. Unlike many people at the time I couldn’t get a loan at the Bank of Mom and Dad because said after age 18 people should be self-dependent.

Read more at:

http://bclandlords.ca/2017/11/15/bc-lan ... hese-days/


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