Resident Property Managers Needed in Edmonton!

Do you have an investment property for sale? Are you looking to buy an investment property in a certain area? This forum is for real estate for sale or wanted. If you have other services you want to advertise contact our admin. team.
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Resident Property Managers Needed in Edmonton!

#1 Unread post by InvestinAlberta » December 10th, 2014, 7:07 pm

Are you looking for a great way to supplement your income?

Think about becoming a Resident Manager!

Positions are available for responsible and mature people to manage residential properties in the Edmonton area. The size of the property will be determined by experience and availability.

These positions will require you to live on site; however, have flexible hours which will help supplement your current income. Salary to be negotiated.

If you are interested please fax your resume to 780-448-7297
ATTN: Alisha Courchesne

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Re: Resident Property Managers Needed in Edmonton!

#2 Unread post by CoolChick » December 14th, 2014, 4:09 am

It's not easy work and the weather can be tough with time driving and time outdoors involved.

Just my opinion.

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