How Much Can British Columbia Landlords Raise The Rent In 2022?
It’s Only 1.5%
The provincial government of British Columbia announced the maximum allowable rent increase on tenants for 2022.
BC landlords have not been able to increase the rent since the beginning of the Covid19 pandemic in spring 2020.
Landlords in B.C. will be able to increase rents by 1.5 per cent in 2022.
The British Columbia government made it clear landlords must give tenants three months’ notice if they want to increase rent.
A rent freeze has been in place since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic and will remain in place until Dec. 31, 2021. Extending the rent freeze was one of the provincial NDP’s 2020 election promises.
http://bclandlords.ca/2021/09/09/how-mu ... t-in-2022/