Add Your Voice To Our Submission To Premier Doug Ford And The Ministry To Make Important Changes To Protect Landlords!
The Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing is having a key consultation with stake-holders on how to create more high quality housing in our province. Making it “easier” to be an Ontario landlord is an important part of the consultation.
The Ontario Landlords Association is submitting what will be a game-changing submission on changes small landlords need to be successful.
We ask our members to share your ideas and experiences for our submission by taking our survey. Please note the deadline for the survey is January 24, 2019.
For more detailed debate and discussion please post in our Private Members Forum (for verified landlords only). Also, if members want to attend preparatory meetings and the consultations join the discussion in the Private Members Forum.
Click here to take the survey:
http://ontariolandlords.org/blog/offici ... overnment/
Thank you for all the people who participated. Our realistic and hard-hitting policy recommendations have been submitted to the Ministry! Finally the voice of real landlords who have 'skin in the game' will be heard by those in power!