Mississauga Landlords - Make Your Voice Heard on Changing (or eliminating) the Landlord Licensing Programme

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Mississauga Landlords - Make Your Voice Heard on Changing (or eliminating) the Landlord Licensing Programme

#1 Unread post by Canadalandlords » February 22nd, 2016, 9:42 pm

The 2013 Second Unit Implementation Strategy in Mississauga defines a second unit as an “accessory dwelling unit with its own kitchen, sanitary facilities and bedrooms/sleeping area(s) located in a dwelling.”

Some councillors was to change or even eliminate the programme.

Ward 5 councillor Carolyn Parrish said, during her four-year absence from council (2010-2014), a period she jokingly refers to as her “sabbatical,” the amount of illegal units was around 33,000.

“I imagine we have 40,000 now and we’ve legitimized how many?”

Her prediction, shared by others around council chambers, is in stark contrast to the City’s current inventory, which has 130 second units on the books.

There are too many deterrents to trying to get a license to legalize a second unit, opined councillor Ron Starr.

First, a landlord must obtain a zoning certificate of occupancy ($257) and a signed-off building permit card (minimum fee $225). Then they must pay a one-time licensing fee of either $500 or $1,000, depending on if the landlord lives on the premises (the latter figure if they reside elsewhere). If they want to renew, they are required to pay half the original fee ($250 or $500).

A fire and electrical safety inspection also needs to be conducted, with the latter costing $141 per unit.

There are also compliance regulations with the Ontario Building Code, which could require the landlord to make significant property renovations.

With the seemingly endless amount of paperwork and potentially high costs, critics say it defeats the purpose of having a second unit, which for most landlords is to supplement income.

Mississauga landlords make your voice heard. Please let us know your opinion on the Mississauga landlord licensing programme and we will submit it to council. You can email us at: fairnessforlandlords@lobbyist.com

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Re: Mississauga Landlords - Make Your Voice Heard on Changing (or eliminating) the Landlord Licensing Programme

#2 Unread post by Canadalandlords » July 2nd, 2016, 10:27 pm

There have been some important changes and Mississauga landlords and the OLA played an important role. More to come soon!


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