Landlord and Tenant Board Hearings Suspended Due To COVID-19

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Landlord and Tenant Board Hearings Suspended Due To COVID-19

#1 Unread post by Canadalandlords » March 15th, 2020, 3:03 pm


Important News For Landlords: In-Person Hearings Are Cancelled. What About Landlords Who Are Owed Rent Or Need To Evict A Bad Tenant?


According to provincial government, as the COVID-19 situation continues to evolve, Tribunals Ontario is taking action to safeguard the health and well-being of front-line workers and Ontarians, while continuing to ensure access to justice.

Effective today (March 13, 2020), Tribunals Ontario is implementing a new policy to postpone in-person hearings and reschedule to a later date. Where feasible, alternative hearing options such as written and telephone hearings will be considered to minimize disruption to hearings across the organization. In addition, all front-line counter services will be closed as of Monday March 16 until further notice.

Tribunals Ontario will continue to provide accommodation for people who have needs related to any of the grounds listed in the Human Rights Code.

Impacted individuals with upcoming hearing dates will be notified by staff via email to make the necessary arrangements. Parties should contact their tribunal or board for more information on the new policy.

In addition, we are requesting Ontarians to not attend to any tribunal or board location in-person if they have been advised by Public Health, their doctor or the Ministry of Health website to self-isolate due to possible exposure to the coronavirus (COVID-19).

Tribunals Ontario is monitoring COVID-19 developments and will update our policy based on advice from the Ministry of Health, Chief Medical Officer of Health and public health officials to protect Ontarians.

For more information contact the Ontario Landlord and Tenant Board.

For more information go here: ... suspended/

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