Ontario Landlord Association Members Are Important Stakeholders In The Ontario Rental Industry And We Have Been Asked To Review And Comment On New Documents From the Landlord and Tenant Board
Residential landlords across Ontario are excited that we have new provincial leadership that wants to cut red tape and make Ontario ‘open for business again’.
Dramatic changes to the way we do business will take some time, but we are already seeing an openness to improve the rental industry. And they want Ontario Landlord Association members (who are important stakeholders) to play a key role.
This is a great beginning and we ask you to take time out of your busy schedule to share your opinions, concerns, and advice on how to improve the Landlord and Tenant Board.
Let’s discuss these important consultations in the OLA Member forum and make sure to get our voices heard.
Read more at:
http://ontariolandlords.org/blog/landlo ... rms-n4-c4/