Franchise: Opportunity???? - "Bikini Baristas"

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Franchise: Opportunity???? - "Bikini Baristas"

#1 Unread post by Dave2 » December 19th, 2011, 1:22 pm

I have to warm up people around here somehow so I thought I could at least get the guys dreaming of summer again.

Ladies sorry I don't have photos of the outlets(with handsome guys) that you would be interested in.

Niagara Investor:

Seeing as you are the most "southerly" of identfiable members maybe this one's for you except it is hard on staff in the middle of Canadian Winter. Warning adult concept like Hooters bar but selling coffee. ... -lingerie-


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Re: Franchise: Opportunity???? - "Bikini Baristas"

#2 Unread post by rentalmanager » December 19th, 2011, 4:32 pm

Interesting concept. I never heard of this before.

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Re: Franchise: Opportunity???? - "Bikini Baristas"

#3 Unread post by rentalmanager » December 19th, 2011, 6:10 pm

Wouldn't it be extremely difficult to find young women who would stoop to this job?

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Re: Franchise: Opportunity???? - "Bikini Baristas"

#4 Unread post by Dave2 » December 20th, 2011, 12:21 pm

rentalmanager wrote:Wouldn't it be extremely difficult to find young women who would stoop to this job?
I am of the wrong sex to answer that question although there is no reason why handsome less then fully clothed young men could serve coffee to women.

Actually I understand in the United States they have had issues with waitresses lifting their tops for extra tips like at Mardi Gras for beads.

Rental manager you being from Waterloo I don't think you would have a problem in a university town; on the other hand I wonder what liscencing
requirements the town would dream up.

I understand the Canadian rights for a number of the chains are available. Maybe a new venue for one of our larger members like "Hawk".

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