Merry Xmas - 8,500 sq. ft Tavern for $15,000 close to Ottawa

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Re: Merry Xmas - 8,500 sq. ft Tavern for $15,000 close to Ot

#9 Unread post by Dave2 » December 21st, 2011, 1:43 pm

[quote="Niagara Investor
Just out of interest have you done any flips?
Happy anniversary...
[/quote]Regarding flipping not in the classic sense. I spend considerable time and expense taking raw property and get it ready for building. Rezoning improved access etc. The process typically takes 2 -3 years but at that point is build ready and a builder or a user (investor) takes over.

Mr. Mcguinty has hit other sectors then just residential landlords so you have to be careful and there is a lot of red tape you have to wade through. I have my own hastles but they are of a different type.

I think the Biblical analogy of good years and less good years applies in residential rentals now. We are in the less good years and you just have to hunker down and work it out if you are currently in the game except for some regional opportunities.

I had the fortune to get out when I should have although; it certainly cost me some profit. If the liberals keep being foolish prices will probably drop and at some point I may come back in; because the time to buy will be when people are most depressed.

For a boater I have a crown jewel; but you have to have the available time to travel to it and enjoy. The avatar is actually based on a painting in the Canadian art data base of it.

Here is the reference. ... Z196375578

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