Ratethelandlord.org - Protecting Tenants And Promoting Good Landlords With This Great New Site

Announcements and articles for tenants will be posted here along with helpful posts from the New Tenant Help Forum.
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1st Time Renting!
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Joined: August 3rd, 2021, 12:06 pm

Ratethelandlord.org - Protecting Tenants And Promoting Good Landlords With This Great New Site

#1 Unread post by 1st Time Renting! » September 11th, 2023, 3:13 pm


With vacancy rates so low and so many people seeking a home we need protections. The biggest story these days is how a crazy small landlord shot his tenants due to to mold issues.

All we want is a safe and affordable home owned by a professional landlord who understands the Residential Tenancies Act and follows the Landlord and Tenant Board rules.

While landlords want credit and criminal checks, Tenants are just trying of find a safe and affordable home.

A Way For Tenants To Find The Best Landlords

Even landlords on the ontariolandlords forum agree that Tenants need a way to find them.

These are landlords who used to rent themselves and want to create the rentals and be the landlord they always wanted to find.

This new service gives Tenants a way to find the best landlords and reward them!

And punish the bad landlords who give them all a bad reputation.

There Are Great Landlords Out There…Make Sure You Find Them!

Let’s make sure this super excellent new website is a way we can protect each other!

Make sure to add comments on your experiences, especially if the small landlord is someone you want to warn others about. It’s exploding in popularity according to CTV NEWS,

The link is-




This is a great way to protect Tenants and promote Good Landlords.

It’s win-win!

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Re: Ratethelandlord.org - Protecting Tenants And Promoting Good Landlords With This Great New Site

#2 Unread post by Doug ODSP » November 18th, 2023, 11:29 am

Damn I love this site! It's addictive.

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