If Landlords Want My Money I Need To Make Sure The Property AND The Landlord Is Safe!
I Need To See Proof Of Vaccination Before I Sign The Lease & Pay The Landlords Mortgage So They Get Rich!
This is just my opinion but it’s right and everyone should follow my advice to protect yourself and your loved ones. Never back down!
Landlords need tenants more than we need them. This is especially true for small landlords who are often only able to pay their mortgage for their condo, duplex, or single family home if they get rent from us.
If we don’t pay, or the unit is empty they will face bankruptcy fast! Small landlords are over-leveraged and NEED our rent money to survive.
This is how the system really works: tenants struggle and work long hours every day just to pay the rent/mortgage for landlords who borrowed from a bank (often with dubious help from brokers and fake pay stubs) and need to pay the bank every month!
Tenants Pay Money And Demand Safe Homes…Including Safe Landlords!
Smart tenants will only pay our hard earned money to landlords who have safe properties. We want to make units are legal, units that have smoke detectors, rental properties that are clean and with up to date furnaces and window.
In This Horrible Pandemic You Need To Make Sure Your Landlord Is Safe
Times have changed. In years past making sure your rental property was safe was enough.
It’s not enough anymore.
When you rent from a small landlord you will have lots of “interactions”.
In fact, many small landlords are control freaks and will enter your property without legal notice! Who know what they touch and do when you are not in your home.
They often don’t follow the law and many small landlords like “face to face” confrontations to bully tenants. Even if you demand a working fridge or stove they want to come over and try to convince you “don’t really need a fridge or stove.”
This means the landlord can infect you and your family and you can all die!

And even if you are few days late in paying your pound of flesh, errrr, I mean “rent” they will freak out and come over and knock on the doors screaming.
Protect Yourself From C0vid19 Spreading Landlords!
Ontario has mandated covid vaccine passports for people to enter bars, theatres, sporting events, and restaurants.
Demand Your Potential Landlord Show Proof Of Double Dose Vaccines Before You Rent From Them…Demand To See Their Covid Vaccine Passport!
There are lots of rental properties on the market. Good tenants can pick and choose which ones you like.
Landlords need your money. They just act proud but they NEED YOU!
Make sure to protect you and your family by demanding proof of being double-dosed with the Covid vaccines to protect you and your loved ones!
Good Landlords Will Have Proof Of Vaccine (Double-Dosed And All New Boosters)
The good landlords you want to rent to will 100% agree with this. They will understand your concerns and provide proof of full vaccination.
These are landlords who respect you, society and themselves.
Tenants Only Rent From Landlords Who Can Prove They Are Fully Vaccinated
With so many choices, only rent from landlords who care about protecting you and your family.

“Pay your rent to me even I infect you & your children pay me!”
Many Small Landlords Are Anti-Vaxxers
Don’t let a landlord who is taking your money breath their deadly disease on to you and your family! Think about your children!
Never rent from those who won’t prove it, as you and your family’s lives are at stake!
Spread this on social media so every tenant will reward good vaccinated landlords and punish those who are too selfish to do so!
Read more at:
https://ontariolandlords.org/blog/i-am- ... do-it-too/